Monday 15 September 2014

Documents that you need for Arya Samaj Marriage

If you think that the two of you would go to a Arya Samaj Mandir and ask the priest to get you married, and the Arya Samaj marriage will be done, then you are mistaken. You do need to comply with some legal requirements, which also includes production of certain documents such as:

a) Date of Birth proof (Matric. Certificate/Passport/Birth Certificate)
b) Affidavits from bride and groom stating their age, nationality and marital status at the time of marriage. It shall also be stated therein that the parties are not related to each other within prohibited degree of relationship.

c) 4 passport sized photographs

d) 2 witnesses and their identity proofs

e) Divorce decree or death certificate of spouse, as the case may be.

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